hair transplant

What is an women hair transplant?
Several types of hair loss exist, but most of the time, androgenetic alopecia is the cause. And while it’s seen as a predominantly male condition (it’s called male pattern baldness for a reason), it’s common in women too.
Apart from this cause, hair loss in women can result from traction alopecia or from health and skin conditions, lifestyle choices, and traumatic events.
Lowering the hairline by a hair transplant is a procedure where healthy hair is removed from the donor area and implanted with the FUE or FUT method to create a more feminine hairline. Women can have female pattern baldness like a male. Sometimes women’s hair loss is different from male pattern baldness.
Hair transplantation in women improves their lives by:
Women who regain their hair by hair transplantation achieve natural and healthy hair.

Is hair transplant successful in females?
Yes, hair transplants are an effective cure for female pattern baldness. The procedure can help restore hair permanently for women with irreversible hair thinning and loss.

women hair transplant
What hair transplant procedures are recommended for women?

Some doctors estimate that one in five women will experience some degree of hair loss usually caused by aging, illness or hormonal changes after menopause. Women tend to experience a subtle thinning all over the scalp rather than losing hair in patches as is common in men. To correct the problem, some women choose to wear a wig or hair extensions. Others have had some success using a topical prescriptive drug. The effectiveness of such drugs varies in some patients and simply prevents further hair loss without stimulating any appreciable new growth. Hair transplant surgery may be the answer for those who feel uncomfortable with either of these options.

Because mini-grafts are usually the surgical treatment of choice for filling-in thinning areas, good candidates for this procedure should have dense hair growth at the back of the head. Mini-grafts are harvested from this dense area and replanted in thinning areas to create a fuller look. Occasionally flap and tissue expansion procedures may be used if the individual is judged to be a good candidate.

If you’re considering a hair transplant procedure, it’s important to understand that you will never have the coverage you had prior to your hair loss, but surgery may camouflage the thin areas and give you more fullness.

Is eyebrow transplant a good idea?
Yes, eyebrow transplants are a successful type of cosmetic surgery to improve the fullness of your eyebrows. The outcome of your eyebrow transplant depends on how well the graft “takes” — that is, how well the hair follicles accommodate to their new location.

Does Hair Transplantation Work for Women?
It is a safe and healthy method that is permanent for life. With the special tissue organ transplant solution, we have used, the hair is kept alive by 99%.

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