hair transplant
FUE transplant

Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also known as follicular transfer (FT), is one of two primary methods of obtaining hair follicles, naturally occurring groups of one to four hairs, for hair transplantation. The other method is called strip harvesting. Follicular Unit Extraction is an outdated term and has been redefined to Follicular Unit Excision. In 2018, Mejia published the updated guidelines adopted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

What is the success rate of FUE transplant?
FUE Hair Transplantation technique results in a 95 to 100 percent success rate. However, it should be noted that the expected level of success is based on the condition that the hair transplant doctor and the medical team performing the procedure are experienced and skilled in performing FUE procedures.

Is FUE hair
transplant permanent?

A Follicular Unit Extraction (FEU) uses small punctures to transplant follicles from all over your head to areas where your hair is thinning or bald. Both types of hair transplantation procedures are considered permanent.

How long do FUE transplants last?
In a nutshell, yes, an FUE hair transplant can last a lifetime. The key thing to remember with hair transplants, whether that’s an FUE or FUT, is the donor hair follicles preserve their characteristics, enabling healthy growth.

Which is better DHI or FUE?
It can be said that the most obvious advantages of FUE hair transplantation are faster recovery time and less discomfort since there are no stitches. For this reason, FUE hair transplantation is the more preferred procedure because it promises better results, less pain/discomfort, no scarring and more effect

Is a FUE hair transplant worth it?
While surgery costs more upfront compared to alternatives, an FUE hair transplant is the only option for those trying to achieve a natural-looking full head of hair. With these results, your confidence will return and you won’t have to worry about expensive hair care, medicines or hair pieces anymore.

Can FUE hair fall out?
After a follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplantation, hair shedding is an expected stage of the healing and regrowth process. Hair transplant shedding occurs 6-9 weeks after the procedure. This stage, which is often known as ‘shock hair loss’, resembles the catagen step of the hair growth process.

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